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Frosty Fern - Moss (4" Pot)

Frosty Fern - Moss (4" Pot)

(SNOW MAN NOT INCLUDED) Not a fern at all... actually a moss! So loves humidity and feed sparingly to keep white tips otherwise it turns green. Loves ideal humidity of 65-70%They frequently pop up in stores and nurseries around the holidays (probably due to their wintery name) but many buyers see them fail and die soon after they come home. Keep reading to learn more frosty fern information, including how to grow a frosty fern correctly. Frosty Fern Information What is a frosty fern? Common consensus seems to have trouble on this front, because the frosty fern (sometimes also sold as a “Frosted Fern”) isn’t actually a fern at all! Known as Selaginella kraussiana, it is actually a variety of spike moss (which, confusingly enough, isn’t really a kind of moss, either)

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